Civil Air Patrol Emergency Service Operations

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Sec. 8. (a) For purposes of this section, "civil air patrol" refers to the Indiana wing of the civil air patrol.

(b) For purposes of this section, "emergency service operation" includes the following operations of the civil air patrol:

(1) Search and rescue missions designated by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center.

(2) Disaster relief, when requested by the Federal Emergency Management Agency or the department of homeland security established by IC 10-19-2-1.

(3) Humanitarian services, when requested by the Federal Emergency Management Agency or the department of homeland security established by IC 10-19-2-1.

(4) United States Air Force support designated by the First Air Force, North American Aerospace Defense Command.

(c) An employee may not be disciplined for absence from work if:

(1) the employee is a member of the civil air patrol;

(2) the employee has notified the employee's immediate supervisor in writing that the employee is a member of the civil air patrol;

(3) in the event that the employee has already reported for work on the day of the emergency service operation, the employee secures authorization from the employee's supervisor to leave the employee's duty station before leaving to engage in the emergency service operation; and

(4) the employee presents a written statement to the employee's immediate supervisor from the commander or other officer in charge of the civil air patrol indicating that the employee was engaged in an emergency service operation at the time of the employee's absence from work.

As added by P.L.10-2007, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.1-2009, SEC.10.

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