Entities to Which the Chapter Does Not Apply

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Sec. 2. This chapter does not apply to:

(1) the department of workforce development;

(2) the unemployment insurance review board of the department of workforce development;

(3) the worker's compensation board of Indiana;

(4) the Indiana utility regulatory commission;

(5) the department of state revenue;

(6) the department of local government finance;

(7) the Indiana board of tax review;

(8) the natural resources commission;

(9) the office of environmental adjudication;

(10) the Indiana education employment relations board;

(11) the state employees appeals commission; or

(12) before July 1, 2022, any other agency or category of proceeding determined by the governor to be exempt from this chapter for good cause.

As added by P.L.205-2019, SEC.4.

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