Approval of Expenditures

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Sec. 13. The expenditure of state funds (other than a grant awarded under this chapter) for a program concerning prevention or reduction of tobacco usage that is operated by a state agency or a public or private entity is subject to the approval of the state department of health. The state agency or public or private entity shall submit a description of the proposed expenditure to the state department of health for the state department of health's review and approval. The description submitted under this section must include the following:

(1) The objective to be achieved through the expenditure.

(2) The plan for implementation of the expenditure.

(3) The extent to which the expenditure will supplement or duplicate existing expenditures of other state agencies, public or private entities, or the state department of health.

As added by P.L.21-2000, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.229-2011, SEC.49.

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