Applications for Grants

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Sec. 12. A public or private entity or an individual may submit an application to the state department of health for a grant from the fund. Each application must be in writing and contain the following information:

(1) A clear objective to be achieved with the grant.

(2) A plan for implementation of the specific program.

(3) A statement of the manner in which the proposed program will further the goals of the state department of health's mission statement and long range state plan.

(4) The amount of the grant requested.

(5) An evaluation and assessment component to determine the program's performance.

(6) Any other information required by the state department of health.

The state department of health may adopt written guidelines to establish procedures, forms, additional evaluation criteria, and application deadlines.

As added by P.L.21-2000, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.229-2011, SEC.48.

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