Mission Statement; Long Range State Plan

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Sec. 11. (a) The state department of health shall develop:

(1) a mission statement concerning prevention and reduction of the usage of tobacco and tobacco products in Indiana, including:

(A) emphasis on prevention and reduction of tobacco use by minorities, pregnant women, children, and youth, including youth with serious and emotional disturbances;

(B) encouragement of smoking cessation;

(C) production and distribution of information concerning the dangers of tobacco use and tobacco related diseases;

(D) providing research on issues related to reduction of tobacco use;

(E) enforcement of laws concerning sales of tobacco to youth and use of tobacco by youth; and

(F) other activities that the state department of health considers necessary and appropriate for inclusion in the mission statement; and

(2) a long range state plan, based on Best Practices for Tobacco Control Programs as published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for:

(A) the provision of services by the state department of health, public or private entities, and individuals to implement the state department of health's mission statement; and

(B) the coordination of state efforts to reduce usage of tobacco and tobacco products.

The state department of health shall update the mission statement and long range state plan as necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.

(b) The long range state plan described in subsection (a) must:

(1) cover a period of at least five (5) years;

(2) include base line data concerning tobacco usage;

(3) set forth specific goals for prevention and reduction of tobacco usage in Indiana; and

(4) be made available to the governor, the general assembly, and any other appropriate state or federal agency.

As added by P.L.21-2000, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.99-2007, SEC.7; P.L.229-2011, SEC.47.

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