Public Hearings; Review by Budget Committee

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Sec. 2. (a) This section applies only to a contract or an agreement:

(1) that is first entered into by:

(A) a state agency; and

(B) a private contractor or private vendor;

after June 30, 2007;

(2) in which the initial term of the contract or agreement plus the term of any possible renewal or extension periods is at least four (4) years;

(3) under which the amount to be paid by the state agency during the initial term of the contract or agreement plus the term of any possible renewal or extension periods:

(A) is at least ten million dollars ($10,000,000); or

(B) is estimated by the state agency to be at least ten million dollars ($10,000,000); and

(4) under which the private contractor or private vendor will provide services that before the effective date of the contract or agreement are provided directly by the employees of the state agency.

(b) In addition to any other requirements that must be satisfied, a state agency may not enter into a contract or an agreement described in subsection (a) unless the following requirements are satisfied:

(1) At least thirty (30) days before entering into the contract or agreement, the state agency must conduct at least one (1) public hearing on the contract or agreement. The state agency must allow public comments and testimony at the public hearing. The public hearing must be held in compliance with IC 5-14-1.5.

(2) Either of the following occurs:

(A) At least thirty (30) days before the state agency enters into the contract or agreement, the budget committee makes a recommendation to the budget agency concerning the contract or agreement.

(B) The budget committee does not make a recommendation concerning the contract or agreement within thirty (30) days after the chairman of the budget committee is requested by the budget agency to make a recommendation.

As added by P.L.234-2007, SEC.224.

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