Budget Director, Budget Committee, Deputy Budget Directors, Officers, and Employees; Qualifications; Financial Interest in Contracts and Appropriations

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Sec. 5. The budget director, and the members of the budget committee, and the deputy budget directors, and other officers and the employees of the budget agency shall be persons of known probity and shall possess adequate capacity and training for the work they are to do. No person shall be appointed budget director, or deputy budget director, or a member of the budget committee, or become an officer or employee of the budget agency who has any contract pending with the state, either directly or indirectly, or who shall be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any appropriation made by law or in any requested appropriation which may come before the budget agency or the budget committee. Persons may be appointed or employed as above notwithstanding the foregoing limitations whose only financial interest in appropriations is in those for personal service from which they are or will be paid for service rendered under this chapter, or for service at any state agency, or for both services.

Formerly: Acts 1961, c.123, s.5. As amended by Acts 1977, P.L.28, SEC.5.

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