Construction of Street Lights; Contracts; Commission Orders

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Sec. 5. (a) When the declaratory resolution, as originally adopted or as modified, has been confirmed, the municipal works board shall notify and negotiate with any utility that operates and supplies electrical current within the municipality. The works board shall attempt to enter into a contract with the utility for the lighting described in the plans and specifications, and may cause the municipality to enter into such a contract, in strict accordance with the plans, drawings and specifications on file.

(b) If more than one (1) utility supplies electricity in the municipality and has the right to serve the electric system petitioned for, the municipal works board shall publish a notice in accordance with IC 5-3-1. The notice must state the nature of the work, state that drawings, plans, and specifications are on file in the office of the works board or the municipal clerk, call for sealed bids for the lighting and the maintenance of the system, and state that the bids must be filed not less than ten (10) days after the last publication and must comply with the manner and form in which bids for public improvements are filed in municipalities. If a satisfactory bid is received by the time fixed in the notice, the works board shall attempt to enter into a contract with the utility that is the lowest responsible bidder for the furnishing of that lighting.

(c) If the municipality owns and operates an electric utility and no other electric utility is authorized to render the service petitioned for, then the electrical lighting system petitioned for may be installed, maintained, and operated by the municipality. An electrical system established under this section shall be maintained, operated, and paid for in the same manner as an electrical system that is established under this chapter by a public utility.

(d) The annual cost of lighting as fixed by the contract may not exceed the estimated cost of lighting on file with the plans and specifications. The contract must require lighting service for a period of not less than five (5) years and not more than fifteen (15) years, and must describe in detail the service to be rendered and the prices to be paid to the utility.

(e) If the municipality is unable to make an agreement with a utility, the municipality may file its petition with the utility regulatory commission. The commission shall conduct a hearing on the petition, in accordance with law and the rules of the commission. The commission may then require a utility supplying electrical current within the municipality to enter into a contract to construct the electric system of lighting in accordance with the plans and specifications on file with the municipality, and to maintain and operate the system at the prices, on the terms, for the period of time, and upon the conditions that the commission requires. Such an order of the commission is binding upon the municipality and utility:

(1) in the same manner as other orders of the commission; and

(2) as if a contract had been entered into between the municipality and the utility covering the same subject matter;

subject to all rights of appeal from the commission.

(f) After a contract has been entered into between the municipality and utility and has been approved by the utility regulatory commission, or if the construction, maintenance, and operation of the lighting system has been ordered by the commission, the utility which is a party to the contract or order shall, within a reasonable time, construct the system at its own expense. The utility shall maintain and operate the system in strict accordance with the agreement and order, and at the annual rates, tolls, or charges fixed by contract or by the order of the commission. The commission may investigate the rates, tolls, and charges in the same manner and to the same extent that it may investigate and revise the rates, tolls, and charges for electric current supplied by a public utility under IC 8-1-2.

[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citations: 19-5-24-4; 19-5-24-5; 19-5-24-7; 19-5-24-14.]

As added by Acts 1981, P.L.309, SEC.82. Amended by Acts 1981, P.L.45, SEC.42; P.L.23-1988, SEC.123.

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