Additional Hours of Lighting; Petitions; Assessment of Costs

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Sec. 13. (a) Whenever:

(1) a lighting service has been established in accordance with this chapter or under another contract or arrangement; and

(2) at least sixty percent (60%) of the property owners upon one (1) side of the street on a city block or blocks lighted by the service file with the municipal works board their petition requesting that the lighting service be maintained on that side of the street in the block or blocks each night for a designated number of hours in addition to the number of hours of service prescribed by the current contract, arrangement, or plans and specifications;

the works board shall grant the petition. The cost of the additional lighting shall be charged to and assessed against all of the lots or parcels of real property on the side of the street and on the city block or blocks on which additional lighting service is maintained.

(b) All proceedings for the establishment of additional service, the payments to the utility for additional service, and the making and collection of assessments and liens for additional service are governed by this chapter in the same manner as other proceedings, payments, assessments and liens.

[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citation: 19-5-24-13.]

As added by Acts 1981, P.L.309, SEC.82.

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