Establishment and Purpose

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Sec. 2. A township may establish a cumulative township vehicle and building fund under IC 6-1.1-41 to provide money to:

(1) acquire township vehicles;

(2) purchase, construct, equip, and maintain buildings for public purposes;

(3) acquire the land and any improvements on the land that are necessary for the construction of public buildings;

(4) demolish any improvements on land acquired under this section and level, grade, and prepare the land for the construction of a public building;

(5) acquire land or rights-of-way to be used as a public way or other means of ingress or egress to land acquired for the construction of a public building; and

(6) improve or construct any public way or other means of ingress or egress to land acquired for the construction of a public building.

As added by P.L.129-1999, SEC.2.

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