"Communications Service"

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Sec. 7. (a) As used in this chapter, "communications service" means any service that:

(1) uses telephone numbers or IP addresses or their functional equivalents or successors;

(2) allows access to, or a connection or interface with, a 911 system through the activation or enabling of a device, transmission medium, or technology that is used by a customer to dial, initialize, or otherwise activate the 911 system, regardless of the particular device, transmission medium, or technology employed;

(3) provides or enables real time or interactive communications, other than machine to machine communications; and

(4) is available to a prepaid user or a standard user.

(b) The term includes the following:

(1) Internet protocol enabled services and applications that are provided through wireline, cable, wireless, or satellite facilities, or any other facility or platform that is capable of connecting a 911 communication to a PSAP.

(2) A multiline telephone system.

(3) CMRS.

(4) Interconnected VOIP service and voice over power lines.

(5) Integrated telecommunications service (as defined in 47 CFR 400.2).

As added by P.L.132-2012, SEC.20.

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