Budget Committee's Review of Statewide 911 System; Considerations; Report of Findings to Legislative Council; Recommendation on Continuation of Fee After June 30, 2015; Expiration of Fee

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Sec. 48. (a) The budget committee shall review the statewide 911 system governed by this chapter for the two (2) calendar years ending:

(1) December 31, 2013; and

(2) December 31, 2014.

(b) In conducting the review required by this section, the budget committee may examine the following:

(1) Whether the fund is being administered by the board in accordance with this chapter.

(2) The collection, disbursement, and use of the statewide 911 fee assessed under section 32 of this chapter. In performing a review under this subdivision, the budget committee may examine whether the statewide 911 fee:

(A) is being assessed in an amount that is reasonably necessary to provide adequate and efficient 911 service; and

(B) is being used only for the purposes set forth in this chapter.

(3) The report submitted to the budget committee by the Indiana advisory commission on intergovernmental relations under IC 4-23-24.2-5(b) (before its expiration on July 1, 2016).

(4) Any other data, reports, or information the budget committee determines is necessary to review the statewide 911 system governed by this chapter.

(c) Subject to section 42 of this chapter, the board, the state board of accounts, political subdivisions, providers, and PSAPs shall provide to the budget committee all relevant data, reports, and information requested by the budget committee to assist the budget committee in carrying out its duties under this section.

(d) After conducting the review required by this section, the budget committee shall, not later than June 1, 2015, report its findings to the legislative council. The budget committee's findings under this subsection:

(1) must include a recommendation as to whether the statewide 911 fee assessed under section 32 of this chapter should continue to be assessed and collected under this chapter after June 30, 2015; and

(2) if the budget committee recommends under subdivision (1) that the statewide 911 fee assessed under section 32 of this chapter should continue to be assessed and collected under this chapter after June 30, 2015, may include recommendations for the introduction in the general assembly of any legislation that the budget committee determines is necessary to ensure that the statewide 911 system governed by this chapter is managed in a fair and fiscally prudent manner.

A report to the legislative council under this subsection must be in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6.

(e) If the budget committee does not recommend in its report under subsection (d) that the statewide 911 fee assessed under section 32 of this chapter should continue to be assessed and collected under this chapter after June 30, 2015, the statewide 911 fee assessed under section 32 of this chapter expires July 1, 2015, and may not be assessed or collected after June 30, 2015.

As added by P.L.132-2012, SEC.20. Amended by P.L.121-2016, SEC.33.

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