Automatic Dialing of 911 Prohibited; Violations

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Sec. 45. (a) This section does not apply to:

(1) a person that connects to a 911 network using automatic crash notification technology subject to an established protocol; or

(2) a newborn safety device described in IC 31-34-2.5-1(a)(5).

(b) A person may not connect to a 911 network an automatic alarm, automatic dialer, or other automated alerting device that:

(1) causes the number 911 to be automatically dialed; or

(2) provides through a prerecorded message information regarding obtaining 911 emergency service.

(c) A person who knowingly or intentionally violates this section commits a Class A misdemeanor.

As added by P.L.132-2012, SEC.20. Amended by P.L.170-2021, SEC.5.

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