Providers' Duty to Provide User Data to Psaps; Permissible Uses by Psap; Violations; Contracts Between Providers and Users

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Sec. 41. (a) A provider shall, upon request, provide to a PSAP the necessary user data to enable the PSAP to implement and operate a 911 system. User data provided to a PSAP for the purpose of implementing or updating a 911 system may be used only to identify:

(1) a user;

(2) a user's place of primary use; or

(3) the information described in both subdivisions (1) and (2);

and may not be used or disclosed by the PSAP, or its agents or employees, for any other purpose unless the data is used or disclosed under a court order. A person who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally violates this subsection commits a Class A misdemeanor.

(b) After May 31, 1988, a contract entered into between a provider and a user who has an unlisted or nonpublished telephone number (or other functionally equivalent identification number) may not include a provision that prohibits the provider from providing the user's telephone number (or other functionally equivalent identification number) to a PSAP for inclusion in a 911 system data base. A provider (other than a provider who, before June 1, 1988, has contracted to not divulge a subscriber's unlisted or nonpublished telephone number (or other functionally equivalent identification number)) shall provide a requesting PSAP with the name, telephone number (or other functionally equivalent identification number), and place of primary use for each user of the provider. A PSAP may not release a telephone number (or other functionally equivalent identification number) required to be provided under this subsection to any person except as provided in subsection (a).

(c) A provider may amend or terminate a contract with a user if:

(1) the contract contains a provision that prohibits the provider from providing the user's telephone number (or other functionally equivalent identification number) to a PSAP for inclusion in a 911 system data base;

(2) the exclusion of the telephone number (or other functionally equivalent identification number) from the data base would negate the purpose of this chapter; and

(3) the user is notified of the proposed amendment or termination of a contract at least one hundred eighty (180) days before the provider takes action.

As added by P.L.132-2012, SEC.20.

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