Emergency Notification Systems; Establishment by County; Board Approval Required; Provider's Duty to Provide User Data

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Sec. 40. (a) As used in this section, "emergency notification system" means an enhanced 911 system capability that provides communications service users within the territory served by a PSAP with a warning, delivered through a device or medium by which users receive communications service from a provider, of an emergency situation through a computerized warning system that uses 911 data base information and technology.

(b) With approval of the board, a county may establish an emergency notification system. If the board approves the establishment of an emergency notification system in a county, a PSAP in the county may use funds distributed to it under this chapter to establish and operate an emergency notification system under this section.

(c) A provider shall provide to a PSAP the necessary user data to enable the PSAP to implement an emergency notification system under this section. The provision of data under this subsection is subject to section 41 of this chapter. In providing data under this subsection, the provider shall provide the following information for each service user in the PSAP's service territory:

(1) The service address of the user.

(2) The class of service provided to the user.

(3) A designation of listed, unlisted, or nonpublished with respect to any telephone number (or other functionally equivalent identification number) associated with the user's service or account.

The provider shall provide this data to the PSAP on a quarterly basis. The provider may charge a reasonable fee to the PSAP for the administrative costs of providing the data.

As added by P.L.132-2012, SEC.20.

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