Provider's Duty to Collect and Remit Fee; Report to Board; Cost Reimbursement

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Sec. 33. (a) As part of the provider's normal monthly billing process, a provider:

(1) shall collect the fee from each standard user that is a customer having a place of primary use in Indiana; and

(2) may list the fee as a separate line item on each bill.

If a provider receives a partial payment for a monthly bill from a standard user, the provider shall apply the payment against the amount the standard user owes to the provider before applying the payment against the fee. A provider may not prorate the monthly 911 fee collected from a user.

(b) Subject to subsection (c), a provider shall remit statewide 911 fees collected under this section to the board at the time and in the manner prescribed by the board. However, the board shall require a provider to report to the board, no less frequently than on an annual basis, the amount of fees collected from all of the provider's customers described in subsection (a)(1) and remitted to the board under this section. The board may require a provider to submit a report required under this subsection at the same time that the provider remits fees to the board under this section. The board shall deposit all remitted statewide 911 fees in the fund.

(c) A provider, including an eligible telecommunications carrier under section 32(f) of this chapter, may deduct and retain an amount not to exceed one percent (1%) of fees that the provider collects from users under this section or section 32 of this chapter, to reimburse the direct costs incurred by the provider in collecting and remitting the fees.

As added by P.L.132-2012, SEC.20. Amended by P.L.36-2016, SEC.9.

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