Statewide 911 Fund; Investments; Money Not Subject to Transfer, Reversion, or Reassignment; Money Continuously Appropriated

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Sec. 29. (a) The statewide 911 fund is established for the purposes of creating and maintaining a uniform statewide 911 system. The board shall administer the fund. The expenses of administering the fund must be paid from money in the fund.

(b) The fund consists of the following:

(1) The statewide 911 fee assessed on users under section 32 of this chapter.

(2) Appropriations made by the general assembly.

(3) Grants and gifts intended for deposit in the fund.

(4) Interest, premiums, gains, or other earnings on the fund.

(5) Enhanced prepaid wireless charges collected and remitted under IC 36-8-16.6-12.

(6) Money from any other source that is deposited in or transferred to the fund.

(c) The treasurer of state may invest money in the fund in the same manner as other funds of the state may be invested under IC 5-13.

(d) The fund is considered a trust fund for purposes of IC 4-9.1-1-7. Money in the fund:

(1) does not revert at the end of any state fiscal year but remains available for the purposes of the fund in subsequent state fiscal years, notwithstanding IC 4-13-2-19 or any other law; and

(2) is not subject to transfer to any other fund or to transfer, assignment, or reassignment for any other use or purpose by:

(A) the state board of finance notwithstanding IC 4-9.1-1-7, IC 4-13-2-23, or any other law; or

(B) the budget agency or any other state agency notwithstanding IC 4-12-1-12 or any other law.

(e) Money in the fund is continuously appropriated for the purposes of the fund.

As added by P.L.132-2012, SEC.20.

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