Powers of Board; Contracts for Communications Service and Equipment; Indiana Transparency Internet Web Site

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Sec. 27. (a) The board may do the following to implement this chapter:

(1) Sue and be sued.

(2) Adopt and alter an official seal.

(3) Adopt and enforce bylaws and rules for:

(A) the conduct of board business; and

(B) the use of board services and facilities.

(4) Subject to subsection (c), acquire, hold, use, and otherwise dispose of the board's income, revenues, funds, and money.

(5) Subject to subsections (b) and (c), enter into contracts, including contracts:

(A) for professional services;

(B) for purchase of supplies or services; and

(C) to acquire office space.

(6) Subject to subsection (c), hire staff.

(7) Adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to implement this chapter.

(8) Develop, maintain, and update a statewide 911 plan.

(9) Subject to subsection (c), administer the statewide 911 fund established by section 29 of this chapter.

(10) Administer and distribute the statewide 911 fee in accordance with section 37 of this chapter.

(11) Subject to subsection (c), administer statewide 911 grants in accordance with state and federal guidelines.

(12) Obtain from each PSAP operating statistics and other performance measurements, including call statistics by category and emergency medical dispatching (EMD) certifications.

(13) Take other necessary or convenient actions to implement this chapter that are not inconsistent with Indiana law.

(b) A contract for the purchase of communications service or equipment by the board must be awarded through an invitation for bids or a request for proposals as described in IC 5-22. The board shall enter into a cooperative agreement with the Indiana department of administration for the department to administer the board's purchases under this chapter using the department's purchasing agents.

(c) The board shall be considered a state agency for purposes of IC 5-14-3.5. Subject to IC 5-14-3.5-4, the following shall be posted to the Indiana transparency Internet web site in accordance with IC 5-14-3.5-2:

(1) Expenditures by the board, including expenditures for contracts, grants, and leases.

(2) The balance of the statewide 911 fund established by section 29 of this chapter.

(3) A listing of the board's real and personal property that has a value of more than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000).

The board shall cooperate with and provide information to the auditor of state as required by IC 5-14-3.5-8.

As added by P.L.132-2012, SEC.20.

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