Statewide 911 Board; Establishment; Recommendations to Governor; Membership; State Treasurer as Chair; Terms; Residency; Proxy Voting Prohibited

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Sec. 24. (a) The statewide 911 board is established to develop, implement, and oversee the statewide 911 system. The board is a body corporate and politic, and though it is separate from the state, the exercise by the board of its powers constitutes an essential governmental function.

(b) The following recommendations must be made to the governor concerning the membership of the board:

(1) The executive committees of:

(A) the Indiana chapter of the National Emergency Number Association (NENA); and

(B) the Indiana chapter of the Association of Public Safety Communication Officials International (APCO);

shall jointly recommend three (3) individuals, at least one (1) of whom must have budget experience at the local level.

(2) The facilities based CMRS providers authorized to provide CMRS in Indiana shall jointly recommend one (1) individual.

(3) The Indiana Association of County Commissioners shall recommend one (1) individual who is a county commissioner in Indiana.

(4) The Indiana Sheriffs' Association shall recommend one (1) individual who is a county sheriff in Indiana.

(5) The Indiana Telecommunications Association, or any successor organization, shall recommend two (2) individuals as follows:

(A) One (1) individual representing a local exchange carrier that serves less than fifty thousand (50,000) local exchange access lines in Indiana.

(B) One (1) individual representing a local exchange carrier that serves at least fifty thousand (50,000) local exchange access lines in Indiana.

(6) The Indiana Cable Telecommunications Association shall recommend one (1) individual representing a VOIP provider.

(7) The Indiana Association of Cities and Towns shall recommend one (1) individual representing municipalities.

(c) The board consists of the following fifteen (15) members:

(1) The treasurer of state or the treasurer's designee. The treasurer of state or the treasurer's designee is chairperson of the board for a term concurrent with the treasurer of state's term of office. However, the treasurer of state's designee serves at the pleasure of the treasurer of state.

(2) Three (3) members for a term of three (3) years who are appointed by the governor after considering the recommendations submitted under subsection (b)(1) by the executive committees of NENA and APCO. At least one (1) member appointed under this subdivision must have budget experience at the local level.

(3) One (1) facilities based CMRS member who is appointed by the governor after considering the recommendation submitted under subsection (b)(2) by the facilities based CMRS providers authorized to provide CMRS in Indiana. A member appointed under this subdivision may not be affiliated with the same business entity as a member appointed under subdivision (6), (7), or (8).

(4) One (1) county commissioner member appointed by the governor after considering the recommendation submitted under subsection (b)(3) by the Indiana Association of County Commissioners.

(5) One (1) county sheriff member appointed by the governor after considering the recommendation submitted under subsection (b)(4) by the Indiana Sheriffs' Association.

(6) One (1) member who represents a local exchange carrier that serves less than fifty thousand (50,000) local exchange access lines in Indiana and who is appointed by the governor after considering the recommendation of the Indiana Telecommunications Association, or any successor organization, under subsection (b)(5)(A). A member appointed under this subdivision may not be affiliated with the same business entity as a member appointed under subdivision (3), (7), or (8).

(7) One (1) member who represents a local exchange carrier that serves at least fifty thousand (50,000) local exchange access lines in Indiana and who is appointed by the governor after considering the recommendation of the Indiana Telecommunications Association, or any successor organization, under subsection (b)(5)(B). A member appointed under this subdivision may not be affiliated with the same business entity as a member appointed under subdivision (3), (6), or (8).

(8) One (1) member who represents a VOIP provider and who is appointed by the governor after considering the recommendation of the Indiana Cable Telecommunications Association under subsection (b)(6). A member appointed under this subdivision may not be affiliated with the same business entity as a member appointed under subdivision (3), (6), or (7).

(9) One (1) member who represents municipalities and is appointed by the governor after considering the recommendation of the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns submitted under subsection (b)(7).

(10) The state fire marshal or the state fire marshal's designee.

(11) The superintendent of the state police department or the superintendent's designee.

(12) The executive director of the department of homeland security, or the executive director's designee. The executive director of the department of homeland security or the executive director's designee is a nonvoting member of the board.

(13) The state GIS officer. The state GIS officer is a nonvoting member of the board.

(d) This subsection applies to a member appointed by the governor under subsection (c)(2) through (c)(9). The governor shall ensure that the terms of the initial members appointed by the governor are staggered so that the terms of not more than five (5) members expire in a single calendar year. After the initial appointments, subsequent appointments shall be for three (3) year terms. A vacancy on the board shall be filled for the vacating member's unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment, and a member of the board is eligible for reappointment. In making an appointment under subsection (c)(2) through (c)(9), the governor shall take into account the various geographical areas of Indiana, including rural and urban areas. A member appointed by the governor serves at the pleasure of the governor.

(e) A member must be a resident of Indiana.

(f) A member may not vote by proxy.

As added by P.L.132-2012, SEC.20. Amended by P.L.157-2015, SEC.7; P.L.36-2016, SEC.7.

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