Bond Refunding; Leases

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Sec. 6. (a) Bonds issued under IC 8-5-15, IC 8-22-3, IC 36-7-13.5, or IC 36-9-3 or prior law may be refunded as provided in this section.

(b) An eligible political subdivision may:

(1) lease all or a portion of land or a project or projects to the development authority, which may be at a nominal lease rental with a lease back to the eligible political subdivision, conditioned upon the development authority assuming bonds issued under IC 8-5-15, IC 8-22-3, IC 36-7-13.5, or IC 36-9-3 or prior law and issuing its bonds to refund those bonds; and

(2) sell all or a portion of land or a project or projects to the development authority for a price sufficient to provide for the refunding of those bonds and lease back the land or project or projects from the development authority.

As added by P.L.214-2005, SEC.73.

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