Bonding; Security; Trust Indenture

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Sec. 5. (a) The development authority may secure bonds issued under this chapter by a trust indenture between the development authority and a corporate trustee, which may be any trust company or national or state bank within Indiana that has trust powers.

(b) The trust indenture may:

(1) pledge or assign revenue received by the development authority, amounts deposited in the development authority revenue fund, and lease rentals, receipts, and income from leased projects, but may not mortgage land or projects;

(2) contain reasonable and proper provisions for protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondholders, including covenants setting forth the duties of the development authority and development board;

(3) set forth the rights and remedies of bondholders and trustees; and

(4) restrict the individual right of action of bondholders.

(c) Any pledge or assignment made by the development authority under this section is valid and binding in accordance with IC 5-1-14-4 from the time that the pledge or assignment is made, against all persons whether they have notice of the lien or not. Any trust indenture by which a pledge is created or an assignment made need not be filed or recorded. The lien is perfected against third parties in accordance with IC 5-1-14-4.

As added by P.L.214-2005, SEC.73. Amended by P.L.189-2018, SEC.175.

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