West Lake Corridor Project; Failure to Enter Into a Full Funding Grant Agreement

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Sec. 21. (a) If a full funding grant agreement is not entered into between the commuter transportation district and the federal government for the West Lake corridor project, all amounts received by the secretary-treasurer of the development authority under IC 6-3.6-11-5.5, including any interest earned on those amounts, shall be distributed by the secretary-treasurer of the development authority to each civil taxing unit in proportion to the amounts withheld and paid on behalf of the civil taxing unit under IC 6-3.6-11-5.5.

(b) When a full funding grant agreement is entered into between the commuter transportation district and the federal government for a rail project, the development authority shall adopt a resolution taking notice of the executed full funding grant agreement, and the provisions of subsection (a) will not apply with respect to that rail project.

As added by P.L.259-2019, SEC.17.

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