Obligations Legalized and Validated

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Sec. 19. (a) All bonds, notes, evidences of indebtedness, leases, or other written obligations issued or executed by or in the name of the development authority under this chapter before April 30, 2019, are hereby legalized and declared valid.

(b) Any pledge, dedication or designation of revenues securing the bonds, notes, evidences of indebtedness, leases, or other written obligations issued or executed by or in the name of the development authority under this chapter before April 30, 2019, are hereby legalized and declared valid.

(c) The:

(1) financing plan for the West Lake project (as described in IC 36-7.5-1-13.5) submitted to the United States Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration; and

(2) governance agreement between the development authority, the Indiana finance authority, and a commuter transportation district are hereby legalized and declared valid.

(d) Any resolutions adopted, proceedings had, and actions taken under this chapter by the development authority before April 30, 2019, under which the bonds, notes, evidences of indebtedness, leases, or other written obligations were or will be issued or under which the pledge or dedication or designation of revenues was or will be granted, are hereby legalized and declared valid.

As added by P.L.259-2019, SEC.15.

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