Covenant With Holders

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Sec. 17. (a) If there are bonds outstanding that have been issued under this article and are not secured by a lease, or if there are leases in effect under this article, the general assembly also covenants that it will not reduce the amount required to be transferred from the counties and cities to the development authority under section 2 of this chapter below an amount that would produce one and twenty-five hundredths (1.25) multiplied by the total of the highest annual debt service on the bonds to their final maturity plus the highest annual lease payments on the leases to their final termination date.

(b) The general assembly also covenants that it will not:

(1) repeal or amend this article in a manner that would adversely affect owners of outstanding bonds, or the payment of lease rentals, secured by the amounts pledged under this chapter; or

(2) in any way impair the rights of owners of bonds of the development authority, or the owners of bonds secured by lease rentals, secured by a pledge of revenues under this chapter;

except as otherwise set forth in subsection (a).

As added by P.L.214-2005, SEC.73.

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