Board of Directors; Membership; Chair; Executive Director

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Sec. 6. (a) The powers of an authority are vested in a board of directors of the authority. The board consists of the following members:

(1) The county executive of each county participating in the authority, or the county executive's designee.

(2) A juvenile court judge of each county participating in the authority. However, if a county participating in the authority does not have a juvenile court judge, the circuit court judge of the county is a member of the board.

(3) A member of the county fiscal body of each county participating in the authority, or the member's designee.

(b) The members of the board shall select a member to be the chair of the board.

(c) An authority may select an executive director by a majority vote of the members of the board.

As added by P.L.223-1991, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.127-2017, SEC.222.

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