Composition of Board; Term of Office; Vacancy; Removal for Cause; Oath of Office; Compensation

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Sec. 8. (a) The board is composed of three (3) members, who must be residents of the unit appointed by the executive of the unit.

(b) A member is entitled to serve a three (3) year term. A member may be reappointed to subsequent terms.

(c) If a vacancy occurs on the board, the executive of the unit shall fill the vacancy by appointing a new member for the remainder of the vacated term.

(d) A board member may be removed for cause by the executive of the unit.

(e) Each member, before entering upon the duties of office, must take and subscribe an oath of office under IC 5-4-1, which shall be endorsed upon the certificate of appointment and filed with the records of the board.

(f) A member may not receive a salary, and no profit or money of the authority inures to the benefit of a member.

As added by P.L.380-1987(ss), SEC.18.

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