Training Requirements

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Sec. 10. (a) As used in this section, "training courses" refers to training courses, workshops, training institutes authorized by IC 5-11-14, formal academies, special seminars, and other in-service training related to an office described in section 2 of this chapter that are developed or offered under the rubric of a generally accepted professional association, association of governments or a state agency or department, or public university or affiliated center.

(b) An individual elected to the office described in section 2 of this chapter on or after November 5, 2019, shall complete at least:

(1) fourteen (14) hours of training courses within one (1) year; and

(2) thirty-six (36) hours of training courses within three (3) years;

after the individual is elected to the office described in section 2 of this chapter.

(c) A training course that an individual completes:

(1) after being elected to the office described in section 2 of this chapter; and

(2) before the individual begins serving in the office described in section 2 of this chapter;

shall be counted toward the requirements under subsection (b).

(d) An individual shall fulfill the training requirements established by subsection (b) for each term to which the individual is elected to the office described in section 2 of this chapter.

(e) This subsection applies only to an individual appointed to fill a vacancy in the office described in section 2 of this chapter. An individual described in this subsection may, but is not required to, take training courses required by subsection (b). If an individual described in this subsection takes a training course required by subsection (b) for an individual elected to the office described in section 2 of this chapter, the town shall pay for the training course as if the individual had been elected to the office described in section 2 of this chapter.

(f) The:

(1) town executive;

(2) town legislative body; and

(3) individual who holds the office described in section 2 of this chapter;

shall use all reasonable means to ensure that the individual who holds the office described in section 2 of this chapter complies with the training requirements established by this section.

(g) The individual who holds the office described in section 2 of this chapter shall maintain written documentation of the training courses that the individual completes toward the requirements of this section.

(h) If a town reorganizes under IC 36-1.5, the individual who performs the functions of the office described in section 2 of this chapter for the town shall comply with the training requirements established by this section for the reorganized political subdivision.

As added by P.L.257-2019, SEC.114.

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