City-County Legislative Body; Ordinances and Resolutions; Permitted Acts; Special Service District Legislative Body; Powers

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Sec. 18. (a) The city-county legislative body may pass ordinances and resolutions for the government of the consolidated city and the county. The legislative body:

(1) alone may approve budgets, levy taxes, and make appropriations for the consolidated city, its departments, and its special taxing districts, except the appropriation of the proceeds of the bonds of a special taxing district if the legislative body has approved the bond issue;

(2) may make loans for the consolidated city under sections 21 and 22 of this chapter;

(3) alone may approve budgets, levy taxes, and make appropriations for the county;

(4) may make loans for the county under IC 36-2-6-20;

(5) may pass ordinances prescribing a penalty or forfeiture for violation;

(6) may establish committees having powers as prescribed by ordinance; and

(7) may prescribe rules for its internal management.

(b) The special service district legislative body of any special service district shall, with respect to such district, have exclusive power by ordinance to approve its budget and make appropriations and tax levies required to be made under the provisions of this title. No special service district legislative body shall have authority to originate or separately to adopt any other ordinance. However, any ordinance adopted by the city-county legislative body relating solely or exclusively to a special service district shall be suspended and of no effect until separately approved and concurred in by a majority of a special service district legislative body when, but only when, the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of Indiana prohibits such taking effect without such approval.

[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citations: subsection (a) formerly 18-4-3-11 part; 18-4-4-2(2); 18-4-4-4 part; subsection (b) formerly 18-4-4-5 part; 18-4-12-11 part; 18-4-12-37 part.]

As added by Acts 1980, P.L.212, SEC.2.

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