Lease of Property; Alternative Procedure

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Sec. 12. The following procedure may be used instead of that in section 10 of this chapter if the disposing agent makes a written determination (which must include the disposing agent's reasons) that the use of section 10 of this chapter is not feasible, and authorization to use this procedure is granted by the executive of the political subdivision or agency:

(1) Proposals to develop specifications shall be solicited through a request for proposals, which must include all of the following:

(A) The factors or criteria that will be used in evaluating the proposals, including a statement that:

(i) the property may not be leased to a person who is ineligible under section 16 of this chapter; and

(ii) a proposal submitted by a trust (as defined in IC 30-4-1-1(a)) must identify each beneficiary of the trust and each settlor empowered to revoke or modify the trust.

(B) A statement concerning the relative importance of price and the other evaluation factors.

(C) A statement concerning whether the proposal must be accompanied by a certified check or other evidence of financial responsibility.

(D) A statement concerning whether discussions may be conducted with the offerors for the purpose of clarification to assure full understanding of, and responsiveness to, the solicitation requirements.

(2) Notice of the request for proposals shall be given by publication in accordance with IC 5-3-1.

(3) As provided in the request for proposals, discussions may be conducted with the offerors for the purpose of clarification to assure full understanding of, and responsiveness to, the solicitation requirements.

(4) Eligible offerors must be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion and revisions of proposals.

(5) After the procedures outlined in this section have been completed, the disposing agent shall make a determination as to the most appropriate response to the request for proposals and shall dispose of the subject property in accordance with that response.

(6) Access to the proposals under this chapter shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of IC 5-23-7.

(7) The person submitting the successful proposal is not responsible for the requirements set forth in IC 5-22 with regard to the purchase of supplies if the purchase of supplies was included within the proposal or the supplies are not paid for with public funds.

As added by P.L.339-1983, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.60-1988, SEC.33; P.L.336-1989(ss), SEC.48; P.L.82-1995, SEC.10; P.L.49-1997, SEC.72.

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