Unauthorized Control Over Property of Benefit Provider; Prima Facie Evidence

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Sec. 6. (a) As used in this section:

"Benefit" includes any accident, sickness, or other health care or reimbursement therefor to which a person is entitled.

"Benefit identification card" means a writing that identifies a person, his spouse, or his dependent as being entitled to a benefit.

"Benefit provider" includes an employer, insurer, or health care provider who has agreed to provide or has provided a benefit to a person who has a benefit identification card.

(b) Evidence that a person:

(1) permitted a person who was not entitled to a benefit to use his benefit identification card to obtain a benefit; or

(2) uses his benefit identification card to obtain a benefit for a person who was not entitled to the benefit;

constitutes prima facie evidence that such person exerted unauthorized control over property of the benefit provider.

As added by P.L.327-1983, SEC.1.

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