Victim's Right to an Electronic Transcript

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Sec. 8.5. (a) This section applies if:

(1) a defendant has filed an appeal of the defendant's conviction; or

(2) the state has filed an appeal in connection with criminal proceedings against a defendant.

(b) A:

(1) victim or alleged victim; or

(2) spouse or member of the immediate family (as defined in IC 27-14-1-17) of the victim or alleged victim, if:

(A) the victim or alleged victim is deceased; and

(B) the spouse or the immediate family member is not a defendant in the criminal case;

in a case described in subsection (a) is entitled, at no charge, to an electronic copy of the transcript prepared for appeal in the case described in subsection (a).

(c) The trial court clerk shall provide the victim or alleged victim (or spouse or immediate family member) with an electronic copy of the transcript as soon as practicable after the court reporter has filed the transcript with the clerk.

(d) The victim or alleged victim (or spouse or immediate family member) is not entitled to any confidential information that the court has excluded from public access under the Indiana rules of appellate procedure, the court administrative rules adopted by the supreme court, or any other statute or court rule.

As added by P.L.78-2018, SEC.1.

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