Release or Escape From Custody of Perpetrator

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Sec. 2. (a) A victim has the right to be informed, upon request, when a person who is:

(1) accused of committing; or

(2) convicted of committing;

a crime perpetrated directly against the victim is released from custody or has escaped.

(b) Whenever a person accused or convicted of committing a crime is released or escapes from the custody of a mental health treatment agency or a hospital that is not operated by a county sheriff or the department of correction, the court committing the accused or convicted person to the mental health treatment agency or hospital shall carry out this section to inform the victim of the release or escape. The mental health treatment agency or hospital shall provide the court with sufficient information about the release or escape to allow the court to carry out this section.

As added by P.L.139-1999, SEC.1.

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