Citations to Prior Civil Law and Procedure

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Sec. 8. (a) A reference in the recodification act of the 1998 regular session of the general assembly to a citation in the prior civil law and procedure before its repeal is added in certain sections of the recodification act of the 1998 regular session of the general assembly only as an aid to the reader.

(b) The inclusion or omission in the recodification act of the 1998 regular session of the general assembly of a reference to a citation in the prior civil law and procedure before its repeal does not affect:

(1) any rights or liabilities accrued;

(2) any penalties incurred;

(3) any violations committed;

(4) any proceedings begun;

(5) any bonds, notes, loans, or other forms of indebtedness issued, incurred, or made;

(6) any tax levies made;

(7) any funds established;

(8) any patents issued;

(9) the validity, continuation, or termination of contracts or leases executed;

(10) the validity, continuation, scope, termination, suspension, or revocation of:

(A) permits;

(B) licenses;

(C) certificates of registration;

(D) grants of authority; or

(E) limitations of authority; or

(11) the validity of court decisions entered regarding the constitutionality of any provision of the prior civil law and procedure;

before the effective date of the recodification act of the 1998 regular session of the general assembly (July 1, 1998). Those rights, liabilities, penalties, offenses, proceedings, bonds, notes, loans, other forms of indebtedness, tax levies, funds, patents, contracts, leases, licenses, permits, certificates of registration, and other grants of authority continue and shall be imposed and enforced under prior civil law and procedure as if the recodification act of the 1998 regular session of the general assembly had not been enacted.

(c) The inclusion or omission in the recodification act of the 1998 regular session of the general assembly of a citation to a provision in the prior civil law and procedure statutes does not affect the use of a prior conviction, violation, or noncompliance under the prior civil law and procedure as the basis for revocation of a license, permit, certificate of registration, or other grant of authority under the recodification act of the 1998 regular session of the general assembly, as necessary or appropriate to apply the recodification act of the 1998 regular session of the general assembly in a manner that does not result in a substantive change in the law.

[1998 Recodification Citation: New.]

As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.2.

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