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Sec. 77. (a) "Manufacturer", for purposes of IC 34-20, means a person or an entity who designs, assembles, fabricates, produces, constructs, or otherwise prepares a product or a component part of a product before the sale of the product to a user or consumer. "Manufacturer" includes a seller who:

(1) has actual knowledge of a defect in a product;

(2) creates and furnishes a manufacturer with specifications relevant to the alleged defect for producing the product or who otherwise exercises some significant control over all or a portion of the manufacturing process;

(3) alters or modifies the product in any significant manner after the product comes into the seller's possession and before it is sold to the ultimate user or consumer;

(4) is owned in whole or significant part by the manufacturer; or

(5) owns in whole or significant part the manufacturer.

(b) A seller who discloses the name of the actual manufacturer of a product is not a manufacturer under this section merely because the seller places or has placed a private label on a product.

[Pre-1998 Recodification Citation: 33-1-1.5-2(3).]

As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.1.

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