"Inherent Risks of Equine Activities"

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Sec. 69. "Inherent risks of equine activities", for purposes of IC 34-31-5, means the dangers or conditions that are an integral part of equine activities, including the following:

(1) The propensity of an equine to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm, or death to persons on or around the equine.

(2) The unpredictability of an equine's reaction to such things as sound, sudden movement, unfamiliar objects, people, or other animals.

(3) Hazards such as surface and subsurface conditions.

(4) Collisions with other equines or objects.

(5) The potential of a participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the participant or others, such as failing to maintain control over the animal or not acting within the participant's ability.

[Pre-1998 Recodification Citation: 34-4-44-5.]

As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.1.

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