"Aggrieved Person"

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Sec. 6. "Aggrieved person", for purposes of IC 34-24-2, means any of the following:

(1) A person who has an interest in property or in an enterprise that:

(A) is the object of corrupt business influence (IC 35-45-6-2); or

(B) has suffered damages or harm as a result of corrupt business influence (IC 35-45-6-2).

(2) An individual whose personal safety is threatened by criminal organization (as defined in section 32 of this chapter) activity.

(3) An individual or a business whose property value or business activity is negatively affected due to criminal organization (as defined in section 32 of this chapter) activity.

(4) A political subdivision in which criminal organization (as defined in section 32 of this chapter) activity negatively affects the property values or business activity of the political subdivision or the personal safety of the political subdivision's residents.

(5) The state.

[Pre-1998 Recodification Citation: 34-4-30.5-1 part.]

As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.25-2016, SEC.14.

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