"Equine Activity"

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Sec. 41. (a) "Equine activity", for purposes of IC 34-31-5, includes the following:

(1) Equine shows, fairs, competitions, performances, or parades that involve equines and any of the equine disciplines, including dressage, hunter and jumper horse shows, grand prix jumping, three (3) day events, combined training, rodeos, driving, pulling, cutting, polo, steeplechasing, English and western performance riding, endurance trail riding and western games, and hunting.

(2) Equine training or teaching activities.

(3) Boarding equines.

(4) Riding, driving, inspecting, or evaluating an equine, whether or not monetary consideration or anything of value is exchanged.

(5) Rides, trips, hunts, or other equine activities of any type (even if informal or impromptu) that are sponsored by an equine activity sponsor.

(6) Placing or replacing horseshoes on an equine.

(b) The term does not include being a spectator at an equine activity.

[Pre-1998 Recodification Citation: 34-4-44-2.]

As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.1.

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