"Recreational Facility"

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Sec. 129.5. "Recreational facility", for purposes of IC 34-31-11.4, means a building, location, or area primarily designed and used for purposes of recreation. The term includes:

(1) a gymnasium;

(2) a park;

(3) a playground;

(4) a swimming pool;

(5) a fieldhouse;

(6) a beach;

(7) a stadium;

(8) a golf course;

(9) a campground;

(10) a boat launching site;

(11) an arboretum;

(12) a bicycle path;

(13) a bridle path;

(14) a community center;

(15) a bowling alley;

(16) a billiard hall;

(17) a court, field, or other area designated for sports; and

(18) any other building, location, or area specifically set aside for recreation.

As added by P.L.95-2015, SEC.3.

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