"Qualified Director"

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Sec. 127. "Qualified director", for purposes of IC 34-30-4, means any of the following individuals:

(1) An individual who serves without compensation for personal services as a member of a board or commission of the state or a political subdivision for the purpose of setting policy, controlling, or otherwise overseeing the activities or functional responsibilities of that board or commission.

(2) An individual who serves without compensation for personal services as a director or an officer for the purpose of setting policy, controlling, or otherwise overseeing the activities or functional responsibilities of a nonprofit corporation operating under IC 12-29, except IC 12-29-3-6 or an agency providing services under IC 12-12-3, or a nonprofit corporation that has one (1) of the following purposes:

(A) Religion.

(B) Charity.

(C) Benevolence.

(D) Providing goods or services at no charge to the general public.

(E) Education.

(F) Scientific activity.

(G) Developing or providing hospital services.

(H) Medical research.

(I) Developing or providing ambulance services or emergency medical treatment services.

(3) An individual who serves without compensation for personal services as a director for the purpose of setting policy, controlling, or otherwise overseeing the activities or functional responsibilities of an organization that acts as an advocate for its members and that has as its members individuals or organizations that are:

(A) members of a particular trade or industry; or

(B) members of the business community of a particular municipality or area of the state.

(4) An individual who serves without compensation for personal services as a director of a national, regional, or local fraternity or sorority that is connected with, and under the supervision of, a postsecondary educational institution located within Indiana.

(5) An individual who serves the purpose of setting policy, controlling, or otherwise overseeing the activities or functional responsibilities of a homeowners association (as defined in section 58 of this chapter).

(6) An individual who serves without compensation for personal services as a director for the purpose of setting policy, controlling, or otherwise overseeing the activities or functional responsibilities of the Special Olympics or the Pan American Games.

"Compensation", for purposes of this section, has the meaning set forth in section 28(a) of this chapter.

[Pre-1998 Recodification Citation: 34-4-11.5-1(a).]

As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.2-2007, SEC.372.

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