"Protection Order" or "Order for Protection"

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Sec. 121.6. (a) "Protection order" or "order for protection", for purposes of sections 48.5, 121.4, and 130.7 of this chapter and IC 34-26-5, means an injunction or other order issued by a tribunal of the issuing state or Indian tribe to prevent an individual from:

(1) engaging in violent or threatening acts against;

(2) engaging in harassment of;

(3) engaging in contact or communication with; or

(4) being in physical proximity to;

another person, including temporary and final orders issued by civil and criminal courts.

(b) The term does not include a support or child custody order issued under the dissolution and child custody laws of a state or Indian tribe, except to the extent that the order qualifies as a protection order under subsection (a) and is entitled to full faith and credit under a federal law other than 18 U.S.C. 2265.

(c) The term applies to an order regardless of whether the order is obtained by filing an independent action or as a pendente lite order in another proceeding if any civil order was issued in response to a complaint, petition, or motion filed by or on behalf of a person seeking protection.

As added by P.L.280-2001, SEC.36. Amended by P.L.133-2002, SEC.50.

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