"Political Subdivision"

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Sec. 110. "Political subdivision", for purposes of IC 34-13-3, means a:

(1) county;

(2) township;

(3) city;

(4) town;

(5) separate municipal corporation;

(6) special taxing district;

(7) state educational institution;

(8) city or county hospital;

(9) school corporation;

(10) board or commission of one (1) of the entities listed in subdivisions (1) through (9);

(11) drug enforcement task force operated jointly by political subdivisions;

(12) community correctional service program organized under IC 12-12-1; or

(13) solid waste management district established under IC 13-21 or IC 13-9.5-2 (before its repeal).

[Pre-1998 Recodification Citations: 34-4-16.5-2(a) part; 34-4-16.5-2(f).]

As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.2-2007, SEC.371.

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