"Arising From Covid-19"

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Sec. 10.4. (a) "Arising from COVID-19", for purposes of IC 34-30-32, has the meaning set forth in IC 34-30-32-2.

(b) "Arising from COVID-19", for purposes of section 10.5 of this chapter, IC 34-12-5, and IC 34-13-3-3, means an injury or harm caused by or resulting from:

(1) the actual, alleged, or possible exposure to or contraction of COVID-19; or

(2) services, treatment, or other actions performed for COVID-19.

(c) The definition under subsection (b) includes:

(1) the implementation of policies and procedures to:

(A) prevent or minimize the spread of COVID-19; and

(B) reallocate or procure staff or resources for COVID-19.

(2) testing in response to COVID-19;

(3) monitoring, collecting, reporting, tracking, tracing, disclosing, or investigating COVID-19 exposure or other COVID-19 related information;

(4) using, designing, manufacturing, providing, donating, or servicing precautionary, diagnostic, collection, or other health equipment or supplies, including personal protective equipment, for COVID-19;

(5) closing or partially closing to prevent or minimize the spread of COVID-19;

(6) delaying or modifying the scheduling or performance of a nonemergency medical procedure or appointment due to COVID-19;

(7) reasonable nonperformance of medical services due to COVID-19; and

(8) providing services or products in response to government appeal or repurposing operations to address an urgent need for personal protective equipment, sanitation products, or other products necessary to protect the public from COVID-19.

As added by P.L.166-2021, SEC.7.

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