Duties of Circuit Court Clerk

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Sec. 1. (a) In all cases where a change of venue is taken from one (1) county to another, the clerk of the circuit court or superior court of the county in which final disposition is made of the cause, shall, within sixty (60) days after the costs are paid, transmit by check to the clerk of the circuit court or superior court of the county in which the costs were accrued.

(b) The check described in subsection (a) must be for an amount equal to all costs which have been included in the transcript.

(c) The clerk receiving the check shall mail a receipt for the amount of the check to the clerk that sent the check. The clerk that receives the receipt shall file the receipt in the clerk's office to be a part of the permanent records of the office.

(d) The clerk who collects the costs shall set out upon the register of fees and also upon the fee book where the costs are taxed a marginal note stating the date, amount, number of check, and the clerk to whom the fees and costs were transmitted.

[Pre-1998 Recodification Citation: 34-2-16-1.]

As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.31.

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