Records Expunged

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Sec. 6. (a) If a court orders protection order records expunged under this chapter, the court shall do the following with respect to the specific records expunged by the court:

(1) Order the office of judicial administration to remove the protection order from the Indiana protective order registry established under IC 5-2-9-5.5.

(2) Redact or permanently seal the court's own records relating to the protection order.

(b) If an appellate court reverses or vacates a protection order, and the protection order is then expunged, the appellate court shall:

(1) redact the opinion or memorandum decision as it appears on the computer gateway administered by the office of technology so that it does not include the name of the subject of the protection order (in the same manner that opinions involving juveniles are redacted); and

(2) provide a redacted copy of the opinion to any publisher or organization to whom the opinion or memorandum decision is provided after the date of the order of expungement.

The supreme court and the court of appeals are not required to redact, destroy, or otherwise dispose of any existing copy of an opinion or memorandum decision that includes the name of the subject of the protection order.

As added by P.L.219-2019, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.55-2020, SEC.7.

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