Offenses Against Property; Recovery of Damages, Costs, and Attorney's Fee

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Sec. 1. If a person has an unpaid claim on a liability that is covered by IC 24-4.6-5 or suffers a pecuniary loss as a result of a violation of IC 35-43, IC 35-42-3-3, IC 35-42-3-4, IC 35-45-9, or IC 35-46-10, the person may bring a civil action against the person who caused the loss for the following:

(1) An amount not to exceed three (3) times:

(A) the actual damages of the person suffering the loss, in the case of a liability that is not covered by IC 24-4.6-5; or

(B) the total pump price of the motor fuel received, in the case of a liability that is covered by IC 24-4.6-5.

(2) The costs of the action.

(3) A reasonable attorney's fee.

(4) Actual travel expenses that are not otherwise reimbursed under subdivisions (1) through (3) and are incurred by the person suffering loss to:

(A) have the person suffering loss or an employee or agent of that person file papers and attend court proceedings related to the recovery of a judgment under this chapter; or

(B) provide witnesses to testify in court proceedings related to the recovery of a judgment under this chapter.

(5) A reasonable amount to compensate the person suffering loss for time used to:

(A) file papers and attend court proceedings related to the recovery of a judgment under this chapter; or

(B) travel to and from activities described in clause (A).

(6) Actual direct and indirect expenses incurred by the person suffering loss to compensate employees and agents for time used to:

(A) file papers and attend court proceedings related to the recovery of a judgment under this chapter; or

(B) travel to and from activities described in clause (A).

(7) All other reasonable costs of collection.

[Pre-1998 Recodification Citation: 34-4-30-1.]

As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.19. Amended by P.L.97-2011, SEC.3; P.L.276-2019, SEC.1.

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