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Sec. 1. The following definitions apply throughout this article:

(1) "Disclosure" means display, transfer, publication, or distribution to another person.

(2) "Distribute" means to transfer to another person in, or by means of, any medium, forum, telecommunications device or network, or Internet web site.

(3) "Harm" includes:

(A) physical harm;

(B) economic harm; and

(C) emotional distress, whether or not accompanied by physical or economic harm.

(4) "Identifiable" means recognizable by a person other than the depicted individual:

(A) from an intimate image itself; or

(B) from an intimate image and identifying characteristic disclosed in connection with the intimate image.

(5) "Intimate image" means a photograph, digital image, or video that depicts:

(A) an individual engaging in sexual intercourse;

(B) an individual engaging in other sexual conduct (as defined in IC 35-31.5-2-221.5); or

(C) the exhibition of the uncovered buttocks, genitals, or female breast of an individual.

As added by P.L.29-2019, SEC.4.

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