Limitations on Recovery From Fund; Direct Payments; Periodic Payments

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Sec. 5. (a) If the possible liability of the fund to the patient is discharged solely through a direct payment made under IC 34-18-15-1, the limitations on recovery from the patient's compensation fund established under section 3 of this chapter apply without adjustment.

(b) If an agreement is made to discharge the fund's possible liability to the patient through a periodic payments agreement, the amount of the patient's recovery from the fund is:

(1) the amount of any immediate payment made directly to the patient from the fund; plus

(2) the cost of the periodic payments agreement paid by the commissioner on behalf of the fund;

for the purposes of the limitations on recovery from the fund established under section 3 of this chapter.

[Pre-1998 Recodification Citation: 27-12-14-5.]

As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.13.

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