Judgment or Exclusion From Office, Franchise, or Corporate Rights; Dissolution of Corporation

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Sec. 5. (a) This section applies whenever:

(1) a person is found guilty of usurping, intruding into, or unlawfully exercising:

(A) an office or a franchise within Indiana; or

(B) an office in a corporation created by the authority of this state;

(2) a public officer thus charged is found guilty of having done or suffered an act which, by law, works a forfeiture of the office; or

(3) an association or number of persons is found guilty of having acted as a corporation, without having been legally incorporated.

(b) The court shall give judgment of ouster against the defendant and:

(1) exclude the defendant from the office, franchise, or corporate rights;

(2) in cases of corporations, dissolve the corporation; and

(3) adjudge costs in favor of the plaintiff.

[Pre-1998 Recodification Citation: 34-1-59-11.]

As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.12.

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