Prohibited Acts

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Sec. 1. A performing rights society or an agent or employee of a performing rights society may not:

(1) enter into a contract unless the contract is executed in accordance with the provisions of this article;

(2) enter a proprietor's business premises to discuss a contract for the performance of copyrighted works or the payment of royalties without first disclosing:

(A) that the individual is an agent of a performing rights society; and

(B) the purpose of the discussion;

(3) engage in any coercive conduct, act, or practice that substantially disrupts a proprietor's business; or

(4) use or attempt to use any unfair or deceptive act or practice in dealing with a proprietor.

[Pre-2002 Recodification Citation: 32-14-4-1.]

As added by P.L.2-2002, SEC.22.

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