Settlement of Claim Through Negotiation, Mediation, or Arbitration; Legal Proceedings; Recovery of Costs

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Sec. 14. (a) This section applies if a claim is settled through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration.

(b) The settlement of the claim must be documented in a written agreement signed by each of the parties.

(c) If a party fails to abide by the settlement agreement signed under subsection (b), the other party may begin legal proceedings without again complying with this chapter.

(d) If a party who begins legal proceedings under subsection (c) prevails in those legal proceedings, the party is entitled to recover from the other party:

(1) court costs;

(2) attorney's fees; and

(3) all other reasonable costs incurred in enforcing the settlement agreement.

As added by P.L.141-2015, SEC.14.

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